InGaAs linear sensor reference circuit design - Section 6

Section 6: FPGA Design Description

The FPGA design is based on Intel (Altera) Cyclone III device EP3C25F324C8. The FPGA design is written in VHDL. The design consists of the major blocks listed in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 List of the FPGA Modules
# Module Name Source File Name Description
1 top top.vhd Top level of the design hierarchy
2 clock_reset_gen clock_reset_gen.vhd Clock and reset generator
3 control control.vhd I2C slave control interface
4 regs regs.vhd Control register bank
5 detector_con detector_con.vhd Sensor controller
6 adc_con adc_con.vhd Controller responsible for U1 (ADAQ7980BCCZ) control and for U4 (AD5235BRUZ25) digital potentiometer control via SPI bus on the ADI circuit card
7 slavefifo2b_streamin slavefifof2b_streamin.vhd Slave FIFO interface to EZ-USB device
8 ad5627_con ad_5627_con.vhd Controller responsible for temperature set-point DAC U9 (AD5627RBRMZ-1) on the ADI circuit card
9 ad7991_con ad_7991_con.vhd Controller responsible for temperature monitoring ADC U10 (AD7991YRJZ-1500) on the ADI circuit card
10 mpac mpac.vhd Multi-Port Access Controller (MPAC) provides shared access of ad_5627_con and ad7991_con to the common I2C bus through I2C_master module
11 I2C_master I2C_master.vhd Provides I2C bus master functionality needed to access I2C slave peripherals on the ADI circuit card
12 adc_xf adc_xf.vhd Provides low-level control of the U1 (ADAQ7980BCCZ) ADC
13 ddr ddr.vhd Altera Megafunction IP providing DDR I/O functionality
14 I2C_xf I2C_xf.vhd I2C Slave interface, used as a part of control module
15 cbus_con cbus_con.vhd As a part of control module, this serves as read and write access bridge between the I2C slave interface and the register bank module (regs)
16 tx_fifo tx_fifo.vhd This is a FIFO that receives its data from adc_con and makes it available to the slavefifof2b_streamin module for transfer to the USB processor.
17 pll pll.vhd Altera Megafunction IP providing PLL functionality used within clock_reset_gen module
18 N/A custom.vhd This serves as the design library. It contains package "custom" which captures commonly used functions, constants and data types.

The structure of the FPGA design is shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1: FPGA design structure

6A. clock_reset_gen.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-2 Module I/Os
Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_in std_logic in 50 MHz clock input
reset_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronous reset input
Clock_Divider std_logic_vector (8 down to 0) in Controls the rate at which clk_en_1x and clk_en_2x are generated
rst_n std_logic out Active-low, reset output, synchronously de-asserted, asynchronously asserted
clk std_logic out 60 MHz clock
clk_del std_logic out 60 MHz clock, synchronous to clk, 0 delayed
clk2x std_logic out 120 MHz clock, synchronous and aligned to clk
clk_en_1ms std_logic out Active-high, single clk cycle wide pulse, every 1 msec
clk_en_10ms std_logic out Active-high, single clk cycle wide pulse, every 10 msec
clk_en_100ms std_logic out Active-high, single clk cycle wide pulse, every 100 msec
clk_en_1x std_logic out Active-high, single clk cycle wide pulse, occurring at a rate of 60 MHz/(2×Clock_Divider)
clk_en_2x std_logic out Active-high, single clk cycle wide pulse, occurring at a rate of 60 MHz/(1×Clock_Divider)

Module IP

Altera ALTPLL Megafunction: PLL, shown in Figure 6-2, generates 60MHz, 120MHz, and 60MHz clocks based on 50MHz clock input.

Figure 6-2: Altera ALTPLL megafunction IP providing PLL functionality

Module Description

This module receives 50MHz clock from the Altera Cyclone-III Starter Board (DK-START-3C25N). The received clock is provided to the PLL based on ALTPLL Megafunction IP provided by Altera. The resultant clocks clk, clk_2x and clk_del are generated.


The module receives an asynchronous reset signal "reset_n" and creates asynchronously asserted, synchronously to "clk" de-asserted, active-low reset output "rst_n".


The module generates various clock enable outputs (programmable ones based on Clock_Divider: clk_en_1x and clk_en_2x; fixed ones: at 1msec, at 10msec, at 100msec intervals).

6B. control.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-3 Module I/Os
Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
CBUS_CON_Di std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) in Read Data bus
SCL std_logic in I2C clock
SDA std_logic in, out I2C data
CBUS_CON_A std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Register address
CBUS_CON_Do std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Register write data
CBUS_CON_WRS std_logic out Register write strobe, active-high
CBUS_Read std_logic out Register read strobe, active-high

Module Description

The module combines an I2C slave module (I2C_xf) with cbus_con module allowing to perform a write or a read access to a bank of registers connected external to control module. Refer to Figures 6-3 and 6-4.


During I2C write transfers the I2C_xf receives one byte at a time. A typical transfer consists of 2 payload bytes: register address byte, followed by register data byte.


Each received data payload byte is presented at recv_data(7:0) output of the I2C_xf module, while being accompanied by ser_load_en active-high single clock cycle pulse. This indicates to the CBUS controller (cbus_con) that the data is to be stored.


first_byte output from I2C_xf indicates whether the data byte presented to cbus_con represents register address or register data. If first_byte is asserted (active-high single clock cycle pulse) concurrently with data_vld output of I2C_xf, then the data byte is register address, else the data byte is register data to be stored at the respective address location.


During I2C read transfers the I2C_xf module transfers the data presented at xmit_dat(7:0) input onto the I2C bus.


A typical register write transfer is shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3: Typical I2C write transfer. STA = Start, SA = Slave ACK, STP = Stop, W = Write, X = any value (1 or 0)

The first data byte serves as register address, while the second data byte serves as register write data. A typical register read transfer is shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4: Typical I2C read transfer. MN = Master NACK, R = Read

A read transaction consists of two separate transfers:
1) The first is a write transfer with first data byte having all zeros, and the second data byte used to indicate the register address to be accessed for a subsequent read transfer.
2) The second is a read transfer with data byte returned by the slave_xf containing the data corresponding to the register address presented during the first step.

Figure 6-5: Control module architecture

6C. I2C_xf.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-4 Module I/Os
Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
SDA_in std_logic in I2C SDA input
SDA_out std_logic in I2C SDA output
SDA_oeN std_logic in I2C SDA output enable, active-low
SCL std_logic in I2C SCL input
I2C_A std_logic_vector (7 down to 1) in I2C Slave address
data_vld std_logic out Active-high, single clk_sys wide pulse, indicating that recv_data(7:0) is valid
recv_dat std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Data payload byte received via I2C
load_en std_logic out Indicates that the data byte has been loaded into transmit register (used for read transfers)
xmit_dat std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) in Data to be transmitted on I2C bus
first_byte std_logic out Indicates the first data payload byte within an I2C write stream
cbus_dir std_logic out CBUS direction transfer: 0 = Write, 1 = Read
addr_incr std_logic out Used during read transfers, this active-high signal produces a single clk_sys cycle wide pulse each time a payload byte has been transferred via I2C interface.

Figure 6-6: I2C module I/Os

Module Description

This module implements the physical access to the I2C bus. The module acts as an I2C slave with slave address passed via I2C_A port. The module responds to 8-bit slave address of 0xAA/0xAB. The I2C interface supports I2C clock rates of up to 400KHz.


The I2C module design is based on a finite state machine (FSM). The FSM is shown in Figure 6-7.


The FSM dwells in IDLE state until start is detected on the I2C bus. The FSM proceeds through A7_ST to A0_ST states receiving one address bit at a time with each falling edge of SCL. Upon arriving to ADDR state the received address is compared to the device address (0xAA/0xAB). If the upped 7 bits match, the slave asserts acknowledge and proceeds to receive a data byte (states D7_ST through D0_ST). Each bit of the data byte is received on the falling edge of the SCL line.


SCL_fedge represents a falling edge of I2C SCL clock received by the FPGA. All other conditional signals are self-explanatory.

Figure 6-7: I2C state machine

6D. cbus_con.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-5 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
ser_data_vld std_logic in Single clock wide, active-high, signal indicating that a serial byte has been received and it is ready to be stored
ser_addr_incr std_logic in For multi-byte transfers (write or read), this single clock cycle wide, active-high signal indicates that the next register address access should be started
ser_first_byte std_logic in Single clock wide, active-high, signal indicating that the byte being received is the first byte, which represents CRDR address, while the second byte is the read register address. This signal is used for read transfers only.
ser_cbus_wr std_logic in Single clock wide, active-high, signal indicating a CBUS write transaction
ser_recv_data std_logic_vector (7 down to 1) in A data byte received from the I2C interface
ser_load_en std_logic in Active-high, single clk_sys wide pulse, indicating used in conjunction with ser_addr_inc signal to cause an address on the CBUS to be incremented
ser_xmit_data std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Data to be transmitted on the I2C bus
CBUS_Read std_logic out Active-high, single clk_sys wide pulse, used a read enable on the CBUS
CBUS_WRS std_logic out Active-high, single clk_sys wide pulse, used a write enable on the CBUS
CBUS_A std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out CBUS address
CBUS_Do std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out CBUS write data
CBUS_Di std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) in CBUS read data

Figure 6-8: CBUS_CON module I/Os

Module Description

cbus_con module receives raw bytes from the I2C_xf module and interprets them into register read and write accesses. Once interpreted, the module produces address (CBUS_A), write data (CBUS_Do) and write strobe (CBUS_WRS) signals to the downstream register bank for a write transaction; or (CBUS_A) and read strobe (CBUS_Read) for a read transaction. The read data is CBUS_Di.


The module also transfers the read data back to I2C_xf module for a transfer back to I2C master via the serial bus.

Figure 6-9: CBUS_CON state machine

6E. regs.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-6 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
CBUS_Read std_logic in Active-high, single clk_sys wide pulse, used a read enable on the CBUS
CBUS_WRS std_logic in Active-high, single clk_sys wide pulse, used a write enable on the CBUS
CBUS_A std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) in CBUS address
CBUS_Do std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) in CBUS write data
CBUS_Di std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out CBUS read data
std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) in These represent inputs for the readable registers at addresses 0x0C through 0x19
std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out These mirror the contents of the writable registers at addresses 0x00 through 0x2F

Figure 6-10: regs module I/Os

Module Description

regs module provides access to the contents of the registers at addresses 0x00 through 0x2F.


When a read transfer in the range from 0x0C to 0x19 is requested, the contents of iREG_0C through iREG_19 is used.


Read access to the address range 0x0C to 0x11 is mapped to AD7991 ADC channel 0 through 2.


REG_00 to REG_2F provide control over the various functions of the FPGA.

6F. detector_con.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-7 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
clk_en_2x std_logic in Active-high, clock enable at a rate equal to
60 MHz/Clock_Divider
(refer to Table 6-2)
The default value of Clock_Divider is 10,
resulting in 6 MHz rate of clk_en_2x
clk_en_1x std_logic in Active-high, clock enable at a rate equal to
60 MHz/(2 x Clock_Divider)
(refer to Table 6-2)
The default value of Clock_Divider is 10, resulting in
3 MHz rate of clk_en_1x
op_en std_logic in Active-high signal, when set enable the operation of the sensor controller
Integration_Time std_logic_vector (31 down to 0) in This input controls the integration time in units of
60 MHz/(2 x Clock_Divider).
The default value is 0x00000339, resulting in 275 µsec default integration time.
reset_odd std_logic out Odd reset output to the image sensor
clk_odd std_logic out Odd clock output to the image sensor
adtrig_odd std_logic in ADC odd pixel trigger input from the image sensor
reset_even std_logic out Even reset output to the image sensor
clk_even std_logic out Even clock output to the image sensor
adtrig_even std_logic in ADC even pixel trigger input from the image sensor
adtrig_odd_test std_logic out Test output. Emulates the corresponding trigger input.
adtrig_even_test std_logic out Test output. Emulates the corresponding trigger input.
pix_mode std_logic in Pixel mode:
0 = 256 pixel mode (default)
1 = 512 pixel mode
hs_mode std_logic in Sensor interface speed:
0 = Regular speed mode (default)
1 = High speed mode
par_mode std_logic in Parallel mode:
0 = Sequential op mode (default)
1 = Parallel op mode (odd and even pixels are clocked concurrently and slower)
mux_con_inv std_logic in Pixel multiplexor control:
1 = Invert even_odd_n
0 = Do not invert (default)
even_odd_n std_logic out Multiplexor control:
0 = Odd data select
1 = Even data select
sync std_logic_vector (1 down to 0) out This signal is used to indicate to Slave FIFO interface the beginning of the integration phase of sensor control
"01": Integration started
"10": Integration started 1 cycle ago
"00": Integration not started
"11": Reserved/Invalid
adc_trigger std_logic out Test output for ADC controller (emulates that of the image sensor)
last_xfer std_logic out Active-high, single clk wide signal:
1: Marks the moment when the last pixel burst is starting
integr_start std_logic out Active-high, single clk wide signal:
1: Marks the beginning of the integration interval
integr_end std_logic out Active-high, single clk wide signal:
1: Marks the end of the integration interval

Figure 6-11: detector_con module I/Os

Module Description

The detector controller module provides the logic and timing for the control signals needed to properly control a detector device under test.


The controller supports the following operating modes:

  • 256 or 512 pixels
  • Regular or High-speed operation
  • Normal (Sequential) or Parallel operating mode


Figure 6-12 through Figure 6-28 demonstrate the relationship between the detector control signals in all possible operating modes.

Figure 6-12: 256-pixel, regular speed, sequential mode timing

Figure 6-13: 256-pixel, regular speed, sequential mode operation

Figure 6-14: 256-pixel, regular speed, sequential mode operation around reset

Figure 6-15: 512-pixel, regular speed, sequential mode operation around reset

Figure 6-16: 512-pixel, regular speed, sequential mode operation overview

Figure 6-17: 256-pixel, high speed, sequential mode operation around reset

Figure 6-18: 256-pixel, high speed, sequential mode operation overview

Figure 6-19: 512-pixel, high speed, sequential mode operation around reset

Figure 6-20: 512-pixel, high speed, sequential mode operation overview

Figure 6-21: 256-pixel, regular speed, parallel mode operation around reset

Figure 6-22: 256-pixel, regular speed, parallel mode operation overview

Figure 6-23: 512-pixel, regular speed, parallel mode operation around reset

Figure 6-24: 512-pixel, regular speed, parallel mode operation overview

Figure 6-25: 256-pixel, high speed, parallel mode operation around reset

Figure 6-26: 256-pixel, high speed, parallel mode operation overview

Figure 6-27: 512-pixel, high speed, parallel mode operation around reset

Figure 6-28: 512-pixel, high speed, parallel mode operation overview

The detector controller module design is based on an FSM (Finite State Machine) shown in Figure 6-29.

Figure 6-29: Detector controller state machine

6G. adc_con.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-8 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
clk_del std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
clk_2x std_logic in 60 MHz clock phase shifted by 0 deg from clk
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
clk_en std_logic in 100 msec clock enable, active-high, 1 clk long
mosi std_logic out SPI data output (Master Out Slave In)
miso std_logic in SPI data input (Master In Slave Out)
sclk std_logic out SPI clock output
adc_conv std_logic out ADAQ7980 CNV signal, active-high
digipot_cs_n std_logic out Digital potentiometer AD5235 Chip Select, active-low
digipot_rdy std_logic in Digital potentiometer AD5235 read data ready, active-high, 1 clk wide
digipot1_wr std_logic in AD5235 digital potentiometer 1 write command, active-high, 1 clk wide
digipot2_wr std_logic in AD5235 digital potentiometer 2 write command, active-high, 1 clk wide
RDAC1 std_logic_vector(9:0) in AD5235 digital potentiometer 1 write data
RDAC2 std_logic_vector(9:0) in AD5235 digital potentiometer 2 write data
RDAC1_rd_data std_logic_vector(9:0) out AD5235 digital potentiometer 1 read data
RDAC2_rd_data std_logic_vector(9:0) out AD5235 digital potentiometer 2 read data
pg_en std_logic in Pattern Generator Enable, active-high
last_xfer std_logic in Last Transfer indicator, active-high
integr_end std_logic in Integration End indicator, active-high, 1 clk wide
integr_start std_logic in Integration Start indicator, active-high, 1 clk wide
adc_data std_logic_vector(15:0) out ADAQ7980 data output
data_rdy std_logic out ADAQ7980 data ready, active-high, 1 clk wide
adc_trigger std_logic in Trigger for ADAQ7980 ADC conversion, active-high, 1 clk wide

Figure 6-30: adc_con module I/Os

Module Description

adc_con module serves as an interface between the FPGA and the two Analog Devices ICs sharing the same SPI bus: ADAQ7980 (ADC) and AD5235 (Dual Digital Potentiometer). adc_con module includes adc_xf module, which implements the interface logic, while adc_con serves the functions of a wrapper and contains some glue logic. As the SPI interface is shared, the design of the adc_xf includes an arbiter, allowing access to both physical devices using the shared interface.

6H. adc_xf.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-9 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
clk_del std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
clk_2x std_logic in 60 MHz clock phase shifted by 0 deg from clk
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
clk_en std_logic in 100 msec clock enable, active-high, 1 clk long
mosi std_logic out SPI data output (Master Out Slave In)
miso std_logic in SPI data input (Master In Slave Out)
sclk std_logic out SPI clock output
adc_cnv std_logic out ADAQ7980 CNV signal, active-high
digipot_cs_n std_logic out Digital potentiometer AD5235 Chip Select, active-low
digipot_rdy std_logic in Digital potentiometer AD5235 read data ready, active-high, 1 clk wide
digipot1_wr std_logic in AD5235 digital potentiometer 1 write command, active-high, 1 clk wide
digipot2_wr std_logic in AD5235 digital potentiometer 2 write command, active-high, 1 clk wide
RDAC1 std_logic_vector(9:0) in AD5235 digital potentiometer 1 write data
RDAC2 std_logic_vector(9:0) in AD5235 digital potentiometer 2 write data
RDAC1_rd_data std_logic_vector(9:0) out AD5235 digital potentiometer 1 read data
RDAC2_rd_data std_logic_vector(9:0) out AD5235 digital potentiometer 2 read data
pg_en std_logic in Pattern Generator Enable, active-high
last_xfer std_logic in Last Transfer indicator, active-high
integr_end std_logic in Integration End indicator, active-high, 1 clk wide
integr_start std_logic in Integration Start indicator, active-high, 1 clk wide
data std_logic_vector(15:0) out ADAQ7980 data output
ready std_logic out ADAQ7980 data ready, active-high, 1 clk wide
adc_trigger std_logic in Trigger for ADAQ7980 ADC conversion, active-high, 1 clk wide


Module Description

adc_xf module serves as an interface between the FPGA and the two Analog Devices ICs sharing the same SPI bus: ADAQ7980 (ADC) and AD5235 (Dual Digital Potentiometer). adc_xf module implements the interface logic based on state machines. As the SPI interface is shared, the design of the adc_xf includes an arbiter, allowing access to both physical devices using the shared interface. The arbitration is based on the fact control coming from the detector_con module.


During the time when odd/even clocks and strobes are actively generated and odd/even trigger inputs are output by the sensor (adtrig_odd/ad_trig_even) the adc_xf communicates with ADAQ7980 to acquire the corresponding pixel data. During the reset intervals, when the sensor is performing integration, adc_xf allows the Read and Write accesses to the digital potentiometer AD5235. The accesses to the digital potentiometer are suspended while the accesses to ADC continue following the integration interval.


The ADC state machine is shown in Figure 6-31. The FSM idles in ADC_IDLE_ST state waiting for the next rising edge of adc trigger from the sensor. adc_tcnv_cnt is initialized to 60; hence the state machine waits in ADC_CNV_ST until the conversion is finished. The wait time is 60 x 60MHz periods, or 1000nsec. ADAQ7980 device conversion time ranges from 500 to 710nsec. With 1000nsec conversion time allowance, the design provides for an ample margin.

Figure 6-31: ADC state machine

The interface to ADC consists of the SPI (with MOSI and Chip-Select not connected) and CNV signal (adc_cnv). During ADC_RD_SNV_RESULT state the 16-bit ADC data is serially captured, while the adc_xf pulses SPI clock SCLK.


The digital potentiometer state machine is shown in Figure 6-32.

Figure 6-32: Digital potentiometer state machine

The digital potentiometer read and write requests are received via I2C and result in the corresponding trigger requests being generated. In response to the trigger requests, while the detector controller is in the reset (integration) phase, the accesses to the digital potentiometer are performed.

6I. AD7991_con.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-10 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
clk_en std_logic in 100 msec clk enable, 1 clk wide, active-high
xfer_ack_n std_logic in Transfer acknowledge, 1 clk wide, active-low
rd_data array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) in Data returned by the AD7991 device
error std_logic in Error indicator, returned by the MPAC
xfer_req_n std_logic out Transfer request, 1 clk wide, active-low
xfer_rw std_logic out Transfer type select, 0 = Write, 1 = Read
xfer_size natural out Indicates the number of payload bytes to be transferred
xfer_addr std_logic_vector (7 down to 1) out Indicates the I2C slave address to be accessed
In the case of AD7991, this is set to "0101001"
wr_data array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Payload data to be written out to the slave device
skip_wr std_logic out Setting this to 1 results in I2C read access performed without write access being done first.
ADC_CH0 std_logic_vector (11 down to 0) out Data read from Channel 1 of the ADC
ADC_CH1 std_logic_vector (11 down to 0) out Data read from Channel 2 of the ADC
ADC_CH2 std_logic_vector (11 down to 0) out Data read from Channel 3 of the ADC

Figure 6-33: AD7991_con module I/Os

Module Description

AD7991_con module is responsible for high-level control of the AD7991 I2C ADC. The system contains 2 I2C devices: AD7991 12-bit ADC and AD5627 12-bit DAC. Both devices share the same I2C bus. To allow for the FPGA to access both devices the design includes a Multi-Port Access Controller (MPAC), connected to I2C Master at one side and to the two I2C controllers (AD7991_con and AD5627_con) on the other side.


AD7991_con controls the high-level I2C commands and data issued to and received from the DAC. The control is based on a state machine shown in Figure 6-34.

Figure 6-34: AD7991_con state machine

During the initialization phases of the state machine (INIT_SETUP_ST through INIT_DONE_ST), the AD7991 is initialized by performing the following transactions:
Write 00111000 to enable reading Ch0 and Ch1, Select External REF, Enable I2C filtering, Enable bit try and Sample Delay.


Upon completion of the initialization the controller is ready to access the ADC. The ADC read requests are performed via slave I2C interface, when the external USB controller accesses the respective FPGA slave registers. In response, the controller state machine traverses states ADC_RD_SETUP_ST through ADC_RD_DONE_ST and reads the three available analog channels.

6J. AD5627_con.vhd

Table 6-11 Module I/Os



Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
clk_en std_logic in 100 msec clk enable, 1 clk wide, active-high
DAC std_logic_vector(11:0) in Data to be written to DAC
DAC_update std_logic in Trigger, active-high, 1 clk wide resulting in data being sent to the DAC
xfer_req_n std_logic out Transfer request, 1 clk wide, active-low
xfer_ack_n std_logic in Transfer acknowledge, 1 clk wide, active-low
xfer_rw std_logic out Transfer type select, 0 = Write, 1 = Read
xfer_addr std_logic_vector (7 down to 1) out Indicates the I2C slave address to be accessed
In the case of AD5627, this is set to "0001110"
xfer_size natural out Indicates the number of payload bytes to be transferred
wr_data array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Payload data to be written out to the slave device
rd_data array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Data read out from the slave device
error std_logic in Error indicator, returned by the MPAC
skip_wr std_logic out Setting this to 1 results in I2C read access performed without write access being done first.


Figure 6-35: AD5627_con module I/Os

Module Description

AD5627_con module is responsible for the initialization and high-level control, including data reads and writes of the AD5627 I2C DAC. All accesses to the physical DAC are performed via I2C bus, using I2C master and a Multi-Port Access Controller (MPAC). The accesses to AD5627 are shared with I2C transfers performed in the course of accesses to AD7991, and therefore are arbitrated by the MPAC. The controller is based on a state machine shown in Figure 6-36.

Figure 6-36: AD5627_con state machine

AD5627 initialization consists of 4 steps:


1. LDAC Setup:
a. Data Byte 1 = "00110000" (Command = "110")
b. Data Byte 2 = "00000000" (Don't Care)
c. Data Byte 3 = "00000001" (DAC B LDAC pin enabled, DAC A LDAC pin disabled)
2. Reference Setup:
a. Data Byte 1 = "00111000" (Command = "111")
b. Data Byte 2 = "00000000" (Don't Care)
c. Data Byte 3 = "00000001" (Internal Reference ON)
3. Load Input Shift Register:
a. Data Byte 1 = "01011000" (Byte Selection (S) = 1, Command = "011" (Write to and Update DAC Channel n), DAC Address = "000" (DAC A))
b. Data Byte 2 = DAC(11:4)
c. Data Byte 3 = DAC(3:0) & "0000"
4. Power-up:
a. Data Byte 1 = "00100000" (Command = Power-up)
b. Data Byte 2 = "00000000" (Don't Care)
c. Data Byte 3 = "00000001" (Normal Operation (5:4) = "00", Select DAC A (bit 0 = '1'))


For all subsequent accesses DAC write is performed whenever a trigger is received. Upon a trigger, which is an I2C slave write to the FPGA from the USB sub-system, the state machine sends the 12-bit DAC input to AD5627 device.

6K. mpac.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-12 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk_sys std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
xfer_req_n std_logic_vector(7:0) in Active-low transfer request. The request bit is asserted until a corresponding acknowledgement response xfer_ack_n bit is received.
xfer_rw std_logic_vector(7:0) in Transfer direction: Read = 1, Write = 0
xfer_addr array (7:0) of std_logic (7:0) in I2C slave address, one for each corresponding port number
wr_data array (7:0) of array (15:0) of std_logic (7:0) in I2C payload, 16x8 array for each port
xfer_size array (7:0) of natural in Transfer size (number of payload bytes), one value for each respective port
skip_wr std_logic_vector(7:0) in If write is not needed before reads take place, this bit indicates that when set. One bit for each of the 8 ports.
xfer_ack_n std_logic_vector(7:0) in Transfer acknowledge, active-low, 1 clk wide. Indicates that the requested transfer has been completed.
rd_data array (15:0) of std_logic (7:0) in Data read from the I2C slave device
error std_logic_vector(7:0) in Error indication, one for each port
I2C_xfer_req_n std_logic out Output to the I2C master, active-low, 1 clk wide, requesting a data transfer
I2C_addr std_logic_vector(7:1) out Address of the I2C slave device to be accessed
I2C_rw std_logic out Transfer direction: 0 = Write, 1 = Read
I2C_xfer_size natural out Number of payload bytes to be transferred
I2C_wr_data array (15:0) of std_logic (7:0) out Payload bytes to be transferred
I2C_rd_data array (15:0) of std_logic (7:0) in Data read as a result of the I2C read transfer
I2C_rd_vld std_logic in Active-high, 1 clk wide, indicates that I2C data read is valid
I2C_busy std_logic in Indication from the I2C master that a transfer is in progress, active-high
I2C_error std_logic in I2C transfer error indication
I2C_skip_wr std_logic out If write is not needed before reads take place, this bit indicates that when set.

Figure 6-37: MPAC module I/Os

Module Description

The Multi-Port Access Controller links the high-level controllers needing to perform high-level I2C transfers with a single I2C Master controller available on the FPGA. AD7991_con and AD5627_con controllers utilize 2 of the 8 available ports on the MPAC. The MPAC performs round-robin access arbitration between all 8 ports. In reality, since only 2 ports are utilized the available bandwidth is split ~50/50 between the two controllers.


The MPAC design is based on 2 state machines: one state machine is used for round-robin access arbitration, while the second state machine is used for control of the interface with the I2C master module I2C_master.


The arbitration state machine is shown in Figure 6-38. A request is checked one at a time. If a request is asserted, the corresponding port is allowed access to the I2C Master interface via the I2C Master Interface state machine shown in Figure 6-39.

Figure 6-38: MPAC arbitration state machine

Figure 6-39: MPAC I2C master interface state machine

6L. I2C_master.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-13 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
xfer_req_n std_logic in Active-low, 1 clk wide, request to perform a transfer
xfer_size natural range 1 to 16 in Payload size in number of bytes
addr std_logic_vector(7:1) in Address of the slave device to be accessed
rw std_logic in Read/write indication: 0 = Write, 1 = Read
data_wr_arr array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(7 down to 0) in Array containing the payload data
skip_wr std_logic in Set to 1 when a read transfer does not need to be preceded by a write.
scl std_logic in, out I2C Clock
sda std_logic in, out I2C Data
busy std_logic out 1 = I2C Master is busy
0 = I2C Master is ready for the next transfer request
ack_error std_logic out 1 = Indicates slave did not acknowledge the transfer
data_rd_vld std_logic out 1 = Indicates that the data_rd_arr contains the data
data_rd_arr array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 down to 0) out Data returned during a read transfer

Figure 6-40: I2C master module I/Os

Module Description

This module interfaces to MPAC module and provides for master access to the I2C bus. The two slave devices accessed by the master are AD7991 and AD5627. The module design is based on a state machine shown in Figure 6-41.

Figure 6-41: I2C master state machine

6M. tx_fifo.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-14 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
din std_logic_vector(15:0) in 16-bit pixel data from the A/D converter, FIFO data input
wr_en std_logic in FIFO write enable, active-high
sync std_logic_vector(1:0) in "01" indicates the beginning of the reset state (integration start)
dout std_logic_vector(15:0) out FIFO data output
rd_en std_logic in FIFO read enable, active-high
rd_vld std_logic out FIFO read data valid, active-high
empty std_logic out FIFO empty indication
1 = FIFO is empty
full std_logic out FIFO full indication
1 = FIFO is full
flag std_logic out FIFO data ready flag
1 = Data is ready for reading from FIFO
data_cnt std_logic out FIFO fullness count: indicates the number of 16-bit words available for reading

Figure 6-42: tx_fifo module I/Os

Module Description

This module serves the purpose of storing the data received from the image sensor prior to having that data transferred to the USB microprocessor via slavefifo2b_streamin module. The FIFO size is 256 words deep, with each word being 16-bits wide.

6N. slavefifo2b_streamin.vhd

Module Inputs and Outputs

Table 6-15 Module I/Os


Port Name Type Direction Description
clk std_logic in 60 MHz clock input
rst_n std_logic in Active-low, asynchronously reset, synchronously set reset input
op_en std_logic in Operation Enable
Connected to REG01 bit 6
1 = Operation enabled
tx_data std_logic_vector(15:0) in Output of tx_fifo
clk_out std_logic out Clock output, 60 MHz
fdata std_logic_vector(15:0) in, out Slave interface data bus, bi-directional
faddr std_logic_vector(1:0) out Slave FIFO address output, fixed at '00'
slcs_n std_logic out Slave chip select, fixed at '0'
slrd_n std_logic out Slave interface read enable, active-low
sloe_n std_logic out Slave output enable, fixed at '1'
slwr_n std_logic out Slave interface write enable, active-low
flaga std_logic in Current Thread DMA Ready (active-high)
flagb std_logic in Partial flag, DMA watermark value (active-high)
pktend_n std_logic out Slave packet end, fixed at '1'
wr_end_wd_cnt std_logic_vector(3:0) in Connected to REG13 bits (3:0)
fifo_rd_en std_logic out Output to tx_fifo, read enable, active-high
fifo_data_rdy std_logic in Output from tx_fifo (flag). Indicates that FIFO data is ready.
test std_logic out For test purposes, not used
state_decode std_logic_vector(2:0) out For test purposes, connected to the on-board LEDs
test_trig std_logic out For test purposes, not used

Figure 6-43: slavefifo2b_streamin module I/Os

Module Description

This module implements Synchronous Slave FIFO Interface in accordance with Cypress CYUSB301X datasheet. The synchronous slave FIFO interface is used for transferring pixel data to the USB microprocessor and onto the PC. The slave FIFO interface is based on Cypress Application Note AN65974. The interface design from the application note has been revised and further elaborated and modified for this present application. The implementation is centered on the state machine shown in Figure 6-44.

Figure 6-44: Slave FIFO interface state machine